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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sterilization Validation and Routine Operation Handbook: Radiation

Sterilization Validation and Routine Operation Handbook: Radiation.
CRC | April 4, 2001 | 168 pages | ISBN-10 / ASIN : B001DBI1K6 | PDF | 5.1mb

The validation and radiation sterilization process for biomaterials and medical devices requires careful planning to ensure regulatory compliance followed by precise accuracy in execution and documentation. This in-depth guide details all steps from prevalidation planning to final report and ongoing monitoring and control. Sterilization Validation & Routine Operation Handbook: Radiation provides a framework for the validation and routine operation of an irradiation sterilization process. The guidance presented complies with ANSI/AAMI/ISO 11137: 1994, Sterilization of health care product-Requirements for validation and routine control-Radiation sterilization and the newly published AAMI substantiation of 25 kGy using VDmax procedure. The author discusses methods to aid in comprehending the requirements in these standards. She also provides practical procedures for the validation and routine monitoring and control of specific gamma and electron beam radiation sterilization processes.Background chapters provide needed information on radiation sterilization technologies, sterilization microbiology, validation approaches and working with a radiation sterilization contractor. Much of the information in this new book is presented in convenient tables and charts, with diagrams and other schematics that simply illustrate appropriate validation methodologies. Sterilization Validation & Routine Operation Handbook: Radiation brings together in one resource information scattered throughout many documents and will be useful to all those involved in the sterilization of medical materials, drugs and devices.


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