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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ring Enlargement in Organic Chemistry

Manfred Hesse, «Ring Enlargement in Organic Chemistry».
ISBN: 0895739917 | Publisher: Vch Pub | 1991-05 | 235 Pages | PDF | 7,8 Mb

I have long been fascinated by the phenomenon of ring enlargement reactions. We had already in the late 1960s encountered this problem in studies aimed to clarify the structure of the spermidine alkaloids of the oncinotine and inandenine type. The ease with which a ring enlargement occurs, quite unprovoked, was baffling, and opened new perspectives. Since then many collaborators in my research team have sought with enthusiasm and persistence to develop these reactions in a methodical fashion and to harness them to the synthesis of natural products. When I was asked about a year ago whether I was finally ready to write a survey of the methodology of ring enlargement reactions, I readily agreed. A period of sabbatical leave linked to the task was equally tempting. With its help, so I thought, and free from the duties of teaching and administration, it would be an easy task to concentrate on a branch of science which seemed to me of the highest interest. I greatly looked forward to it – and accepted with the warmest gratitude the readiness of my colleagues in the Institute of Organic Chemistry to take over my work in the Institute, and so to provide the vital prerequisite of my scheme.


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