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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fine Chemicals Manufacture

Fine Chemicals Manufacture by: A. Cybulski, J.A. Moulijn, M.M. Sharma, R.A. Sheldon.
Publisher: Elsevier Science | September 1, 2001 | ISBN: 044482202X | Pages: 564 | PDF | 29 MB

Hardbound. The sector of fine chemicals, including pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, dyes and pigments, fragrances and flavours, intermediates, and performance chemicals is growing fast. For obvious reasons chemistry is a key to the success in developing new processes for fine chemicals. However, as a rule, chemists formulate results of their work as recipes, which usually lack important information for process development. Fine Chemicals Manufacture, Technology and Engineering is intended to show what is needed to make the recipe more useful for process development purposes and to transform the recipe into an industrial process that will be safe, environmentally friendly, and profitable. The goal of this book is to form a bridge between chemists and specialists of all other branches involved in the scale-up of new processes or modification of existing processes with both a minimum effort and risk and maximum profit when commercializing the process. New techniques for scale-up and optimization of existing processes and improvements in the utilization of process equipment that have been developed in recent years are presented in the book.


1 comment:

Benzyl Salicylate said...

Looking forward to more insights from your end. Thanks & All the Best!