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Friday, March 13, 2009

Electrostatic Hazards

Electrostatic Hazards ISBN: 0750627824 Author: Günter Luttgens / Norman Wilson Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann Edition:
  • Language: English Hardcover: 192 pages URL: /http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=songstech-20&path=ASIN%2F0750627824 Summary: In the US, UK and there is in excess of one notifiable dust or electrostatic explosion every day of the year. This clearly makes the hazards associated with the handling of materials subject to either cause or react to electrostatic discharge of vital importance to anyone associated with their handling or industrial bulk use. This book provides a comprehensive guide to the dangers of static electricity and how to avoid them. It will prove invaluable to safety managers and , as well as all personnel involved in the activities concerned, in the, agricultural, pharmaceutical and petrochemical process industries. The book makes extended use of case to illustrate the principles being expounded, thereby making it far more open, accessible and attractive to the practitioner in industry than the highly theoretical texts which are also available. The authors have many years' experience in the area behind them, including the professional teaching of the content provided here. Günter Lüttgens is a widely acknowledged consultant who travels Europe providing major industrial corporations on this subject, whilst Norman Wilson practices what is written here in his professional capacity with the British Textile Technology Group. Extended use of case studies to illustrate the principles.This makes the book far more open, accessible and attractive to the practitioner in industry than the highly theoretical texts also available. Authors have many years experience in the area Both authors have been widely published with considerable previous book-writing experience.

  • http://ifile.it/yuazm6r/gigapedia_0750627824.pdf
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